Will you help Erika be in our film? Can you help make this happen? Brika Brack (aka Erika J. Wilson) will be playing Jennifer Herald in our film 'The Poet.' Jennifer works at an all-female vampire hunter agency where they pose as real estate agents. She's a career-driven business woman who's achieved a lot and continues to rise through the ranks, serving as a mentor for the new hunters. She's skilled with silver bullets, wooden stakes and a special silver knife. But Jennifer isn't just a bad-ass, she's also a woman who had other interests before her career skyrocketed; she loves the arts and although she's been trained not to feel too much to be a better killer, she's still a human woman with real emotions. She's never met a vampire like Drake before, which leads her to question her entire life's work--will she spare his life or will she follow the code of vampire hunting she has worked so hard to establish? Erika is perfect for this role. In Arabel the movie she could understand the subtlety and nuance in a scene, where she played a double-agent/pin-up/savior/enemy. Erika lived in Maine during her high school years but now resides in Portsmouth NH where she acts, models, hosts and an array of other cool things like running the Seacoast Film Society. Last summer she spent 3 months in Italy at Cinecitta Studios (Gangs of New York, The Life Aquatic and many other films). Take a look at our video, check out our rewards and contribute to our film! We're a Staff Pick on kickstarter and $60 away from being halfway funded on our 6th day! We can't make this film without you! We have 24 days left! Thank you for your support! I've been asked to direct a film for this year's Damnationland! I wrote a script and we have the cast and crew--now we just need the money! We've raised almost $1500 in 3 days (of $4,000). AND we've been named a STAFF PICK by the kickstarter people! Check out our project below and be sure to watch our fun video--and contribute if you can! Thanks! The Poet Kickstarter |
May 2023