Wow, it's been about 7 months since I wrote a blog, even though I've been updating my website in other ways. That's because I've been busy! Here's a rundown: A few weeks ago I returned to the College of the Atlantic, where I went for my undergrad and spoke to the film/video students there. They were an awesome bunch of people and I'd love to go back to talk more. Nancy Andrews, who teaches them, recently made a feature film called The Strange Eyes of Dr. Myes, an experimental, musical, sci-fi film. This past fall, I was Assistant Director and Producer on Tadin Brown's film Wayward Roads. Tadin was gaffer and editor on The Poet and his short film is really touching, dramatic and beautiful. Here's a short article about it and a few photos. Scenes of Addiction: Local filmmaker capturing the harrowing costs of the heroin epidemic Right before I started on Tadin's film, we had our premiere of The Poet at Damnationland! 800 people came to the State Theater in Portland and then it screened in theaters around Maine. All the filmmakers agreed to dress up fancy, a nice contrast to when I am directing and wear the same dirty clothes for a week and never brush my hair. I'm so grateful for all the support. The Poet is a very special film for all of us who worked on it. A few weeks earlier, I was interviewed for the show 207 with Damnationland producer Charlotte Warren. You can check out that interview here. Stretching back to this summer, a group of us lady filmmakers joined together for an all female 48 Hour Film Project team. None of us had ever worked on an entirely female crew before and a lot of us didn't know each other. We got a little write-up about it here. Charlotte Warren was our fearless director and I was writer. Here's the group of us after a sleepless night and full day of shooting. And hey look, we won Best Graphics, Best New Filmmaker (Charlotte), and Runner Up for Audience Favorite! So, it's been a busy time, to say the least! Arabel was also an Official Selection at The Harrisburg-Hershey Film Fest. I am hoping to write some more blogs about some of the fantastic movies and TV shows I've seen. Stay tuned!
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May 2023